The Lord Have Need Of Thee
Delivered By
Bro. Brandon Steed
Delivered On
March 13, 2022 at 8:15 AM
Lk 19:28-40, 23:1-49

If Christ lived as we lived no one would be forgiven of their sins, but if we lived as Christ lived many more would be forgiven of their sins. Barabbas is a picture of man's love for the world, and we are guilty of loving the world much more than we love the Lord. In regards to our own salvation, we are much more like Barabbas than we are like Christ. Barabbas is never recorded in God's Word as having given thanks or his heart and life to the Lord who died so that he could be set free. May we instead be more like Christ, living as though we were already "tried and crucified", so that others may be able to also go free!